All your questions about mentorships, answered


It’s finally here…

you've been asking! and I've been over here collaborating with our team to decide how we can BEST serve the photography/small biz community. as a creative who is naturally organized but struggles with progress over perfection… it's been a journey to launch something new after spending almost my entire career serving families and capturing their stories. after almost 14 years in business, I do know that we can accomplish so much more together than we can alone!  

so if you've ever wished you had a business-friend (I like to call it a biz-na-friend!)… someone to ask questions to, to bounce ideas off of, to talk through struggles, AND mentor you in the areas you're struggling with… I'd love nothing more than to walk along side you to come up with a solid plan to create real growth while cultivating a slice of community and safe place to land.


Real Talk for Real Growth

think of me like your big sis in biz who will tell you like it is, but truly wants what's best for you and your business!

xo, Lindsay

i'm so proud of you for showing up for yourself & your biz!


What does your mentorship offer?

  • The Foundation and Clarity Calls: 6 Week Deep Dive (*LINK)

  • 90 Minute Strategy Call (*LINK)


can we discuss editing? 

I'm more than happy to go over my editing workflow, presets I use, how I tweak them, how I use Lightroom/Photoshop, etc. however, a good image BEGINS before you press the shutter button, so knowledge of lighting is KEY. I don't want to set you up to fail by teaching my editing workflow when I really need to start at your sessions themselves and teach lighting. if you have a good understanding of lighting, your camera settings, AND have consistent SOOC images then editing can easily be discussed during your mentorship :) 



Text here


when are the $300 payments due?

$300 is due upon booking your mentorship. once paid, you'll get a link to schedule your first 1:1 call. the next payment will be due the week prior to your next 1:1 call. 

 total investment is $1200 over the 6 weeks. 


are we limited to one topic?

of course not! I'm happy to cover any topics I can help with during our time together. to best serve you, I'd recommend sticking to 3 or less topics so we can make the most progress over the 6 weeks. 


I  live near you, can we still work together?

I'll definitely never turn someone away from mentoring because they live close by. however, I have been burned in the past by other local photographers that simply want to skip putting in the hard work and want to take the easy road by copying ideas, captions, pricing guides, you name it - and it makes my blood boil.

That said, if you're a genuine human who truly wants to learn and grow YOUR business and YOUR strengths then I couldn't be more thrilled that you're here and I'd love to chat. 


is this only for photographers?

I'm a family and newborn photographer specializing in capturing stories and moments while creating memories with my clients that keeps them coming back year after year. I've been in business for almost 14 years and while I KNOW I can help you take your photography business to the next level, I also think I have a lot to offer anyone who is running a small business and has a heart for serving their clients well. 


is an LNP mentorship the right fit for me and my biz?

let's chat BEFORE you invest! sign up for a quick 15 minute zoom call so we can talk through what's on your mind and see how I can best serve you. don't see a time that works? just hit reply and let us know and we'll be happy to find a time that does!


Do you have other questions? Sign up for a free 15 minute call with Lindsay to talk more!